Method of elements-by-elements multicriterial composition of optimal routes in transport networks




search for optimal routes, transport task of linear programming, multicriteria, model of system based on the oriented graph, special operation commutation of matrices, additive measure set of criteria


A simple method is proposed for finding optimal routes in the transport problem of linear programming. The task is solved using a set of criteria: the average total cost of transportation, the duration and reliability of plan. The task model is an oriented graph. The vertices of the graph correspond to intermediate points on a number of ways connecting production and consumption points. The arcs connecting the vertices of the graph are marked with numbers specifying the average cost of transporting a product unit through the route section corresponding to the arc, the average duration of transportation along this section and the probability of overcoming it. To solve the task, a measure efficiency use of plots is proposed, which has property of additivity, that is, the measure of result for combination of two sites is equal to the sum of the measures for these sections. The measure takes into account the values for all three criteria. A computational procedure is described that implements a method that does not require a combinatorial enumeration options and ensures the possibility of obtaining a compromise result quickly. The procedure is based on the use of proposed special operation for switching matrices. This operation provides the possibility calculating the effectiveness measure of all possible two-step, then three-step and further k-step paths. The operation is iteratively continued until a route measure connecting the start point to the end point is found. An important additional advantage of method is its ability to use it to find efficient routes in complex transport networks with a large number of intermediate points. In this case, if the transition from one point to another can be carried out through some intermediate point from some of their sets, then the method allows to find the best possible route. Examples of task for different formulations of multicriteria transport task are considered.


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How to Cite

Raskin, L., Sira, O., & Parfeniuk, Y. (2018). Method of elements-by-elements multicriterial composition of optimal routes in transport networks. Bulletin of National Technical University "KhPI". Series: System Analysis, Control and Information Technologies, (22), 27–36.

