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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Articles submitted to the editorial board should be prepared using the template according to the requirements of the template, which, in its part devoted to the design of the main text, are compliant to the common preparation rules for articles submitted for consideration for publication in the journal. When typing the text of the article, it is recommended to use the recommendations given at the beginning of the document.

    Dear authors! Due to the implementation of DSTU 7152_2020 "Edition. Designing publications in journals and collections", changes the structure of the article in terms of placement of information about authors, annotations and keywords. Appropriate changes have been made to the template and design examples are available in it. Please pay attention to the changes in the article design template!
  • Authors are recommended to check the example of article’s layout, contained in the template, as well as the references preparation recommendations.
  • It is recommended to verify compliance to the preparation requirements before send the article to the editorial board in order to avoid return of the article in case if it does not correspond to the preparation rules.
  • Additionally, it is necessary to take into account the recommendations on the transliteration of authors' names, surnames and patronymics, translations of academic degrees, positions and academic titles.
  • The Guidelines of the European Association of Science Editors (EASE) for authors and translators of scientific articles in English should be followed. First of all, this applies to the structure of the article, writing an abstract, citation, and preparing the list of references.

Author Guidelines

Dear Authors!

For preliminary consideration by the editorial board of the Bulletin of NTU "KhPI", series "System Analysis, Control and Information Technology" authors should submit:

  • The application form signed by all authors.
  • Text of the article printed on sheets of A4 size in the volume of not less than 4 pages, including 2 annotations, signed by all authors – 2 copies.
  • The electronic version of the article; the file should be named using the lastname of the first co-author (with the possible number of the article if there is more than one articles submitted), after which after the space the number of pages is indicated (e.g., “Kovalenko 6.doc”, “Vakulenko1 7.docx”, “Vakulenko2 7.docx”).

Manuscript of the article and accompanying materials should be sent to e-mail

After receiving the manuscript and accompanying documents, the editorial board organizes a preliminary editorial screening, an external review (see the Review Process), and an expertise on the possibility of publishing materials in open print. Prepared reviews and the act of expertise are used by the editorial board to make a final decision on the publication of the article.

In case of a positive decision of the editorial board to publish the article, it is mandatory to send the original manuscript of the article and accompanying materials by mail to the address: 61002, Ukraine, Kharkiv, Kyrpychova st. 2, NTU "KhPI", Department of Systems Analysis and Informational-Analytical Technologies.

Article processing charge (APC)

Minimum (with a minimum article length of 4 pages)

Maximum (for example, if the article is 10 pages)

The approximate cost per page is:

≈ 55 UAH

(electronic publication without author's copy)

220 UAH

550 UAH

Estimated cost of one paper copy

(printed together with the main edition additionally upon prior request of the authors)

≈ 180 UAH

Estimated article processing charge with one paper copy

400 UAH

730 UAH

* Charge can be specified when the volume is submitted to the printing house

* No charge for editorial processing

* Depending on the financial situation in the country, the cost of one page and the cost of one additional copy may vary

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