About the Journal

Collection of scientific papers

Year of foundation: 1961

Aims and Scope: Peer-reviewed open access scientific edition that publishes new scientific results in the field of system analysis and management of complex systems, based on the application of modern mathematical methods and advanced information technology. Edition publishes works related to artificial intelligence, big data analysis, modern methods of high-performance computing in distributed decision support systems.

Target audience: For scientists, teachers of higher education, post-graduate students, students and specialists in the field of systems analysis, management and computer technology.

ISSN: 2079-0023 (Print)

ISSN: 2410-2857 (Online)

Media identifier R30-01544, according to the decision of the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting of 16.10.2023 No. 1075.

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 1643 of December 28, 2019 "On approval of decisions of the Attestation Board of the Ministry on the activity of specialized scientific councils of December 18, 2019", Annex 4, "Bulletin of the National Technical University "KPI". Series: System Analysis, Control and Information Technology" is added to category B of the "List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine in which the results of the dissertation works for obtaining the scientific degrees of doctor of sciences, candidate of sciences, and doctor of philosophy can be published".

Indexing in Index Copernicus, DOAJ, Google Scholar, and other systems.

Edition publishes scientific works in the following fields:

  • F1 (113) - Applied mathematics
  • F2 (121) - Software engineering
  • F3 (122) - Computer science
  • F4 (124) - System analysis and data science
  • F6 (126) - Information systems and technologies
  • G7 (151/174) - Automation, computer-integrated technologies and robotics

Frequency: Biannual - June and December issues (deadlines for submission of manuscripts: until May 15 and November 15 of each year; manuscripts submitted late may be considered separately).

Languages: Ukrainian, English (mixed languages).

Founder and publisher: National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" (University website, Scientific and Research Department).

Chief editor: M. D. Godlevskyi, D. Sc., Professor, National Technical University "KhPI".

Editorial board staff is available here.

Address of the editorial office: 2, Kyrpychova str., 61002, Kharkiv, Ukraine, NTU "KhPI", Department of System analysis and information-analytical technologies.

Responsible secretary: M. I. Bezmenov, PhD, Professor, National Technical University "KhPI".

Phone numbers: +38 057 707-61-03, +38 057 707-66-54

E-mail: mykola.bezmenov@khpi.edu.ua

This journal is practicing and supporting a policy of open access according to the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI).

Open Access

Published articles are distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY).


The editorial board adheres to international standards of publishing ethics and the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) on the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing.

Current Issue

No. 2 (12) (2024)
					View No. 2 (12) (2024)
Published: 2025-01-04




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