


analysis, requirements, software module, dependency matrix, cognitive modeling, environmental monitoring


There are risks of obtaining result that does not answer a work purpose statement when developing the software product for new subject area. It is necessary to pay attention on requirements to the software for elimination of such risks. This article is considering questions about collection and analysis requirements to a program module of sea water areas environmental monitoring. Program system «НДС Эколог» for ensuring continuous observation of sea water areas condition is noted by complex structure, high labor intensity of processing, storage and manipulations of data due to their significant amount. The software of this system makes a large-scale program complex for monitoring researches automation. However, according to the preliminary analysis of functionality «НДС Эколог»  on quality control of dolphins living environment is not sufficient and need additional module development. Thus, the further development of this monitoring system is associated with the problem of elicitation and analyzing the requirements for the program module for calculating the coastal zones water resources quality. Elicitation requirements to additional program module is carried out on the basis of the standard documentation analysis, business processes of monitoring researches according to program engineering provisions. Identified Requirements are need check on integrity and lack of contradictions in their pithiness for further documenting according to the international recommendations standard about development of requirements specifications to the software IEEE STD 830 1993. To solve the problems of information support and software for integrated monitoring, a matrix of requirements was formed and cognitive modeling was applied. The requirements dependency matrix  represents a simple and effective method of contradictions and overlappings identification, in case of simple systems consideration. Cognitive modeling promotes better understanding a problem situation, identification of contradictions and qualitative system analysis. The purpose of modeling consists in formation and specification of a studied object functioning hypothesis which consists of separate subsystems and elements. In this case, the system of requirements should reflect the causal relationships of object elements under study.

Author Biographies

Tatyana Kozulia, National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Full Professor, National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Professor of the Department of Software Engineering and Management Information Technologies; Kharkiv, Ukraine

Maria Kozulia, National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"

Candidate of Technical Sciences (PhD), Docent, National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Associate Professor, Department of Software Engineering and Management Information Technologies; Kharkiv, Ukraine

Alyona Sviridova, National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"

National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", student of the Department of Software Engineering and Management Information Technologies; Kharkiv, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Kozulia, T., Kozulia, M., & Sviridova, A. (2024). PROBLEMS OF ELICITATION AND ANALYSIS OF REQUIREMENTS TO THE PROGRAM MODULE OF MONITORING ON THE BASIS OF THE CONDITIONS OF COGNITIVE ANALYSIS. Bulletin of National Technical University "KhPI". Series: System Analysis, Control and Information Technologies, (1), 25–29.

