


software, computer engineering, information systems, components, typical design solutions, development costs


The paper deals with the problems of increasing the effectiveness of the development of IS, and, in particular, the issues of reducing the development time of the software package of IS. The analysis of technology development software in the life cycle of IS. A structural programming approach suggested decomposing programs in a step-by-step manner. The development of program structures is carried out using the construction of input and output data structures, identification of processing links between these data, formation of a program structure based on data structures and detected matches. It is possible to overcome the complexity factor if we deviate from a straightforward approach to solving the problem posed, consisting in sequential and linear extension of the source code of the program operator-by-operator, resulting in one long and amorphous program. Here, the modularity principle is effective: the initial problem is divided into relatively independent parts; they are implemented by separate software modules, which are then linked into a single unit at the layout stage. The features of the technology of automated program synthesis, namely, the technology of assembling programs from typical program elements, are highlighted. The basic concepts of the above technology have been identified, a study has been conducted to design programs from blocks and a problem area has been identified. The initial data for the formulation and solution of problems for the synthesis of a system of program modules are the set of information arrays of the system, for which there are defined: input, output and intermediate data; many alternative data processing procedures; sequence of procedures in the processing; ways of sharing with external memory. The approach to the selection of typical program elements that meet certain criteria is considered. On the basis of the considered approach, and also taking into account its shortcomings, an improved method was proposed for classifying typical program elements and a method for designing software based on them, taking into account minimizing the time and cost of the project.

Author Biographies

Yevhen Pavlenko, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport

Candidate of Technical Sciences (PhD), Docent, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport, Associate Professor of the Department of Specialized Computer Systems; Kharkiv, Ukraine

Vladimir Butenko, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport

Candidate of Technical Sciences (PhD), Docent, Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport, Associate Professor of the Department of Specialized Computer Systems; Kharkiv, Ukraine

Vadim Gubin, National University of Radio Electronics

National University of Radio Electronics, senior lecturer of the Department of Artificial Intelligence; Kharkiv, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Pavlenko, Y., Butenko, V., & Gubin, V. (2024). RESEARCH OF METHODS OF DEVELOPMENT OF SOFTWARE COMPUTER ENGINEERING BASED ON TYPICAL SOFTWARE ELEMENTS. Bulletin of National Technical University "KhPI". Series: System Analysis, Control and Information Technologies, (1), 67–71.

