


automated control system, antenna system, scanning, control quality, non-linearity of parameters, errors


Based on the method of structural schemes, the control system of the scanning antenna system is synthesized, which is a special case of the tracking system, which, based on the given coordinates, controls the mismatch between the necessary and current values of the azimuth and elevation angles. An important feature of scanning systems is the constant movement of actuators when performing tasks of the intended purpose. Therefore, the nonlinearity of the elements of the navigation system can lead to a significant deterioration in the quality of the scan tasks. The article substantiates the block diagram of scanning on one channel, its mathematical description is determined. At the first stage, an analysis of the stability of a functionally minimal system was carried out. The need was identified for integrating the circuit with a sequentially connected speed controller of proportional-integral-differential action and a feedback signal taken from the tachometer on the axis of the engine. The speed loop was modeled to analyze its stability and ability to maintain its properties when the parameters deviate from the calculated values or the controller parameter settings are varied. A general scheme of the scanning system was built into which a nonlinear element was introduced. As a nonlinear element, a simplified model of a fiber-optic gyroscope with a deadband was chosen. In order to verify compliance with the requirements in transitional and established operating modes, as well as to evaluate the error of the system when exposed to real effects, a model experiment was conducted. The simulation results showed the high quality of the synthesized system. The control errors were investigated in the absence of a nonlinear element, as well as in its presence with a variation in the value of the width of the deadband. It is determined that high values of the width of the dead zone can lead to a breakdown of control, which must be taken into account when substantiating the requirements for such systems.

Author Biography

Oleh Olexandrovich Biloborodov, Military unit А4566

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Military unit А4566, doctoral student; Kyiv, Ukraine; ORCID


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How to Cite

Biloborodov, O. O. (2020). AUTOMATED CONTROL SYSTEM OF THE SCAN ANTENNA SYSTEM. Bulletin of National Technical University "KhPI". Series: System Analysis, Control and Information Technologies, (1 (3), 49–53.

