Models and indicators for assessing the quality of information systems software




software, information systems, quality, procedure, multi-criteria evaluation, functional test


The problem of software quality assessment of information systems is considered. The analysis of advantages and disadvantages of existing methods for assessing the quality of software information systems. The quality of the software is considered in relation to the achievement of a certain list of goals. The quality of the software is expressed through the functions of satisfying the user’s needs and the final effect that arises from increasing the information system user’s awareness of the processes occurring at the control object. Primary quality indicators characterize the software from the point of view of achieving a given level of quality for a particular property reflecting the general pattern of functioning of the information system software and depend on the values of the indicators of the lower levels. An iterative interactive procedure for evaluating the quality of software is proposed, which makes it possible to select properties that form the quality of software based on user preferences and to measure the values of quality indicators. Based on the analysis of the list of consumer properties of software, systematization of the main comparative characteristics and requirements for information systems, the main quality criteria for the software of information systems are identified: a functional criterion; reliability criterion; information criterion; speed criterion; the criterion of memory usage. The indicators included in the functional quality criterion are suggested, in particular, the average time for issuing information on the request; the probability of issuing a refusal to request if information is available; probability of occurrence of necessity of submission of the inquiry which kind is not provided in information system. Methods for calculating the values of these indicators are proposed. It is concluded that the proposed procedure is applicable for comparative evaluation of the quality of various software systems.


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How to Cite

Pavlenko, Y. P., Lubenec, S. V., & Ayvazov, V. A. (2018). Models and indicators for assessing the quality of information systems software. Bulletin of National Technical University "KhPI". Series: System Analysis, Control and Information Technologies, (22), 11–15.

