



software development process, life cycle, structural and parametric synthesis, process capability level, additive objective function, resource constraint, dynamic model


The object of the research is briefly considered, namely, the software development process (SDP). It is noted that the first steps in improving the life cycle (LC) process of software systems is to assess the capacity (maturity) of processes and, within this framework, to develop a plan for their improvement program. The main approaches to improving DP include the CMMI and SPICE maturity models. The analysis of the studies devoted to their formalization is carried out. It is indicated that significant results in this direction have been achieved in relation to the CMMI model. However, it does not consider the characteristics of an IT company, such as: the company size; used models of software DP life cycle; features of the projects subject area; IT company leaders’ goals. Therefore, it was proposed to create an analogue of the CMMI model based on the SPICE model, but taking into account these features, which is called SPICE INT. The construction of such a model is the task of structural and parametric synthesis. The problem of parametric synthesis is set, one of the elements of which is the development planning for process subsets for the SPICE reference model. The formalization of its basic concepts is carried out and sets are introduced: groups of processes, categories, processes (sub-processes), practices. On this basis, the formalization of the possibility level assessment of a particular practice was carried out, and within this framework, a model was developed for assessing the achieved level of the process capability and the degree of achievement for higher levels. The cost function is synthesized for the transition of process subsets from the (???? − 1)-st to the ????-th planning sub-period. An additive objective function has been developed that determines the integral relevance for subset quality improvement for the SPICE model processes in the planned period [1, ????] as a result of the development of the DP software. Based on the objective function and resource constraints, a dynamic model for planning the development of a subset of processes is formed. It is noted that one of the approaches to its solution is the "Kiev broom" algorithm.

Author Biographies

Mykhaylo Dmytrovych Godlevskyi, National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Full Professor, National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Head of Department of Software Engineering and Management Information

Anna Oleksandrivna Goloskokova, National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"

Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D.), National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Associate Professor of the "Software Engineering and Management Information Technologies" department

Heorhii Oleksandrovych Burlakov, «SheerChain» OÜ

«SheerChain» OÜ, Chief Executive Officer


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How to Cite

Godlevskyi, M. D., Goloskokova, A. O., & Burlakov, H. O. (2020). A DYNAMIC MODEL FOR DEVELOPMENT PLANNING OF PROCESS SUBSETS FOR THE SPICE REFERENCE MATURITY MODEL. Bulletin of National Technical University "KhPI". Series: System Analysis, Control and Information Technologies, (2 (4), 10–16. https://doi.org/10.20998/2079-0023.2020.02.02

