


complex system, simulation modeling, simulation models, model time, methods, compromise choice


The process of simulation is considered as one of the main means for studying the dynamics of functioning of real systems, in particular, complex ones. The system can be represented by a set of components. The functioning of a component is represented by the implementation of a set of functional actions, which are represented by the corresponding activities in the form of a pair: algorithm for performing a functional action - duration of execution. The problem of displaying the simultaneous or parallel nature of the functioning of all components of a complex system in the MI is solved by introducing model or system time. The main methods for introducing model time are the fixed step method and the variable step method. In the fixed-step method, an important problem is the choice of the value of the model time variation interval. The existing recommendations for choosing the value of the interval for changing the model time are of a qualitative nature and their use makes it possible to increase the accuracy of modeling, but at the same time the consumption of the computer time resource increases. It is proposed to use quantitative estimates of the values of quality criteria - the accuracy and expenditure of the computer time resource when choosing the value of the model time change interval. The generalized criterion is represented as a weighted sum of transformations of local criteria. The values of the coefficients by which the corresponding transformations are multiplied express the preferences of the decision-maker for the local optimality criteria. A geometric interpretation of the process of determining a compromise alternative on a set of effective alternatives for various cases of the importance of local criteria is given. These estimates make it possible to substantiate the nature of the change in the quality criteria for various variants of the values of the interval of change in the model time and to use them to select a compromise option among the effective ones by minimizing the generalized criterion. The choice of the compromise value of the model time variation interval is implemented in the control simulation program.

Author Biographies

Igor Petrovich Gamayun, National Technical University «Kharkov Polytechnic Institute»

Doctor of technical sciences, professor, National Technical University «Kharkov Polytechnic Institute», professor of the department of software engineering and management information technologies; Kharkiv, Ukraine

Svitlana Ivanivna Yershova, National Technical University "Kharkov Polytechnic Institute"

National Technical University "Kharkov Polytechnic Institute", Senior Lecturer in Department of Software Engineering and Management Information Technology; Kharkiv, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Gamayun, I. P., & Yershova, S. I. (2020). METHOD OF COMPROMISE CHOICE OF INTERVAL OF MODEL TIME CHANGE IN IMITATION MODEL. Bulletin of National Technical University "KhPI". Series: System Analysis, Control and Information Technologies, (2 (4), 17–22.

