


intelligent business system, assessment of strategic potential, target state of the enterprise, material and intellectual potential, hierarchy analysis method, functional areas of the business system


The paper discusses the issues of increasing the efficiency of the functioning of an intelligent business system by reducing its losses by creating an integrated set of models for assessing the level of its current strategic potential and the degree of achievement of its fixed target state. The object of the analysis is an intelligent business system of the IT industry that produces software products, the results of which depend on the well-established abilities of its personnel, who has effective intelligent information technologies. The task of assessing the strategic potential, determined by the totality of available resources (human, material, intellectual) that can be put into action, mobilized to achieve the target state of the enterprise, this calculation is based on estimates of the material and intellectual potential of the business system. We will build a complex of models for determining estimates of material and intellectual potential based on the significance and intensity of the influence of the strengths and weaknesses of the material, human, intellectual resources of the functional zones of the business system. Development of a subject technology for assessing the strategic potential of an intelligent business system, assessing the degree to which it reaches a fixed target state. Obtaining the results can serve as a theoretical basis for creating information technology for assessing the strategic potential of an enterprise in the IT industry.

Author Biographies

Vasily Lavrentievich Lisitsky, National technical university «Kharkiv polytechnic institute»

Candidate of technical sciences, docent, National technical university «Kharkiv polytechnic institute», Professor of the Department of Software Engineering and Information Technology Management; . Kharkiv, Ukraine

Arseny Igorevich Semenchenko, National technical university «Kharkiv polytechnic institute»

National technical university «Kharkiv polytechnic institute», student; Kharkiv, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Lisitsky, V. L., & Semenchenko, A. I. (2020). ASSESSMENT OF THE STRATEGIC POTENTIAL OF AN INTELLECTUAL BUSINESS SYSTEM OPERATING IN A DYNAMIC EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT. Bulletin of National Technical University "KhPI". Series: System Analysis, Control and Information Technologies, (2 (4), 28–32.

