


smart home, Internet of Things, domain model, variability, software, configuration


Article considers current state of scientific publications on topic of intellectualization of all main processes for full life cycle development of software systems, approaches to building variable models for “Smart Home” systems. A review of existing approaches to the analysis of quality of construction for such solutions. The Feature-Oriented Development Architecture (FODA) model of smart home system is analyzed, the current problems of smart home systems design are emphasized. The state of publications on topic of quality assessment of systems such as «Smart Home» is analyzed. Then, the proposed approach to experimental assessment of system maintenance is based on the analysis of the total costs required to prepare functionality of system for operation. In the course of experimental calculations, domain model of Smart Home systems was used in two variants, using an integration module and using separate control devices, separately for each of the manufacturers. The proposed approach for evaluating alternative FODA models is based on «maintainability» criterion. The time required to configure the software for a set of individual system modules and to configure them as a single system was used as data. The obtained data, allowing to make a decision on choice of construction architecture of system based on the set domain model, contains a set of devices and the description of functions provided by them. The results of the work should be the basis for the development of a centralized storage for the accumulation, analysis and reuse of the configuration of individual submodules of Smart Home systems and integrated systems that meet certain requirements, resulting in a comprehensive approach to improving the quality of Smart Home systems on the example of the traceability indicator.

Author Biographies

Oleh Yurievich Tovstokorenko, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»

PhD student of the Department of Software Engineering and Information Technology Management, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute», st. Kirpychova, 2, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Rustam Olexandrovich Gamzayev, Kharkiv National University named after VN Karazina

PhD, associate professor; Associate Professor of Modeling Systems and Technologies, Kharkiv National University named after VN Karazina, Maidan Svobody, 4, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Mykola Vyacheslavovich Tkachuk, Kharkiv National University named after VN Karazina

Doctor of technical sciences, professor; Head of the Department of Modeling of Systems and Technologies, Kharkiv National University named after VN Karazina, Maidan Svobody, 4, Kharkiv, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Tovstokorenko, O. Y., Gamzayev, R. O., & Tkachuk, M. V. (2020). AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON EFFECTIVENESS USAGE OF VARIABLE DESIGN SOLUTIONS BY MAINTENANCE STAGE OF SOFTWARE FOR “SMART-HOME” SYSTEMS. Bulletin of National Technical University "KhPI". Series: System Analysis, Control and Information Technologies, (2 (4), 39–44.

