


explanation, knowledge, intelligent information system, temporal rules, requirements for explanation


The subject of the research is the processes of constructing explanations for the solutions proposed by the intelligent information system. The explanation provides in an orderly manner knowledge about the solution of the intelligent system, taking into account the context of its construction. The aim is to develop an approach to constructing a description of knowledge to provide an explanation that provides the ability to interpret intelligent system solutions online, using the most relevant dependencies on the state of the subject area and user needs. To achieve this goal, the following tasks are solved: setting a generalized problem of forming an explanation and principles for its solution; definition of principles of construction of the description of knowledge for explanation; developing an approach to constructing an explanation based on the integration of a declarative description of the subject area and a temporal description of the decision-making process. A generalized formulation of the problem of forming an explanation in the form of finding an interpretation model is proposed, which makes it possible to minimize the inaccuracy of the description of the decision-making process regarding the model of the intelligent system functioning process in the conditions of explanation complexity. The principles of solving the problem of constructing an explanation are formulated, which provide for the consistent formulation of a declarative description of the subject area in the form of an appropriate ontology, as well as a description of the decision-making process in the intellectual system based on temporal rules. A declarative-temporal approach to constructing an explanation in an intelligent information system is proposed. According to this approach, the tasks of detailing the goals of the explanation within the defined concept are consistently solved on the basis of the ontology of the subject area, the explanation is formed taking into account the structure of the intelligent system and the interaction of its components, personalization of the explanation according to user preferences. This approach makes it possible to update the interpretation, which creates the conditions for building explanations online.

Author Biographies

Serhii Fedorovych Chalyi, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Professor of the Department of Information Control System, Kharkiv

Volodymyr Oleksandrovich Leshchynskyi, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

PhD, Associate Professor, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Associate Professor of the Department of Software Engineering, Kharkiv

Irina Oleksandrivna Leshchynska, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

PhD, Associate Professor, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Associate Professor of the Department of Software Engineering, Kharkiv


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How to Cite

Chalyi, S. F., Leshchynskyi, V. O., & Leshchynska, I. O. (2020). DECLARATIVE-TEMPORAL APPROACH TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF EXPLANATIONS IN INTELLIGENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS. Bulletin of National Technical University "KhPI". Series: System Analysis, Control and Information Technologies, (2 (4), 51–56.

