


The subject of the research is automatic control system modeling features for tensioning of stands roughing group, which takes into account changes in the rolling speed at exit of the previous stand and entrance to the next stand. Control systems for high-speed rolling on section mills are the most critical systems, since the trouble-free operation of rolling mill largely depends on their work. Rolling speed control is understood to mean tension regulation in the roughing group of stands and stabilization of the rolling loop in the finishing groups. The influence of such technological factors as uneven heating of blanks, change in the crimping mode in stands, etc. leads to the appearance of tension or back-up forces, deviation of rolled loop from the specified values. Tension rolling, in contrast to loop rolling, is a stable rolling mode. However, (at significant values of tension in the rolled products) such a rolling mode leads to different thicknesses of the finished product. The loop rolling mode is an unstable mode and is impossible without automatic control systems. Both in the tension rolling mode and in the free rolling mode with a loop, it is necessary to study automatic control systems in order to determine the possibilities of compensating for disturbing influences and obtaining rolled products of the given accuracy. Therefore, the main task of the automatic control system is to maintain the rolling mode with the lowest possible tension. To achieve this goal, direct control of the tension of the rolled strip with modern technical means is rather difficult, and the operation of tension control systems is based on indirect methods of measuring it, and the study of the system efficiency is reduced to modeling the process itself. The developed model consists of three stands and two inter-stand spaces, since it takes into account changes in rolling speed at the exit of previous stand and the entrance to the next stand. It is due to this that adequate simulation results are obtained that are close to the real rolling process.

Keywords: automation, rolls, stand, inter-stand spacing, modeling, loop tension, rolling mill, roughing group.

Author Biographies

Ivan Marynych, Kryvyi Rih National University

candidate of technical sciences, docent, Kryvyi Rih National University, Associate Professor of the Department of Automation, Computer Science and Technology; Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine; ORCID:; e-mail:

Olga Serdiuk, Kryvyi Rih National University

candidate of technical sciences, Kryvyi Rih National University, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Automation, Computer Science and Technology; Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine; ORCID: 0003-0505-0800; e-mail:


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How to Cite

Marynych, I., & Serdiuk, O. (2021). MODELING OF A SYSTEM FOR AUTOMATIC REGULATION OF THE TENSION MODE IN THE ROUGHING GROUP OF STANDS OF A CONTINUOUS SECTION MIL. Bulletin of National Technical University "KhPI". Series: System Analysis, Control and Information Technologies, (1 (5), 67–73.

