


algorithm, recommender system, hybrid filtering, DB, web service, Python, content-based filtering, collaborative filtering


This work is devoted to the analysis of algorithmic support of multimedia content recommender systems and the development of a web service to
increase the efficiency of learning foreign languages using a recommender system that personalized the selection of educational content for the user.
To form a list of necessary multimedia content, the main criteria of the recommender system were selected, the basic needs of users were identified,
which the system should solve, since increasing the efficiency of learning a foreign language is achieved not only by choosing teaching methods, but
also by watching multimedia content, namely news, films, educational videos, clips, etc. Therefore, in order to form a list of the necessary multimedia
content, the main criteria of the recommender system were formed, the main needs of users were identified, which the system must solve. From the
side of the method for implementing algorithmic support, various types of data filtering were considered, from modern technical methods to libraries
to ensure the functionality of the system, and the algorithm based on hybrid filtering was chosen, in which known user ratings are used to predict the
preferences of another user. Functional requirements have been developed and a web service has been proposed that allows a comprehensive impact on
user learning when learning a foreign language, software implementation of which is made using Java Script, Python and additional libraries. This
implementation allows you to build a process for tracking changes in user requirements and transfer information to the database (DB) and, after
analyzing the input data, change the proposed multimedia content to the user. In the course of further research, it is planned to conduct practical
experiments, taking into account the specifics of certain methods of teaching foreign languages and the use of statistical data to assess the effectiveness
of the algorithm of the proposed recommender system.

Author Biographies

Liliia Bodnar, South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky

candidate of pedagogical sciences, docent, South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky, associate professor of the department of Innovative Technologies and Methods of Teaching Natural Sciences; Odessa, Ukraine

Kateryna Shulakova, State University of Intellectual Technologies and Telecommunications

State University of Intellectual Technologies and Telecommunications, senior lecturer of the department of Computer Engineering and Information Systems; Odesa, Ukraine

Liudmyla Gryzun, S. Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics

doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, S. Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics; Kharkiv professor of the department of Information Systems; Kharkiv, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Bodnar, L., Shulakova, K., & Gryzun, L. (2021). ALGORITHMIC SUPPORT OF THE WEB SERVICE RECOMMENDATION SYSTEM FOR LEARNING FOREIGN LANGUAGES. Bulletin of National Technical University "KhPI". Series: System Analysis, Control and Information Technologies, (2 (6), 100–106.

