


explanation, intelligent information system, temporal dependencies; causality, cause-and-effect relationships


The subject of research is the processes of formation of causal relationships between the states of the entities of the subject area in the process of functioning of the information system. These causal links reflect the dependencies that underlie the process of obtaining a result in the information system, and therefore they can be used to form explanations for this process. The explanation reflects the knowledge of the causes and consequences of both the result obtained as a whole and the individual actions of the decision-making process in the information system. The use of such knowledge increases the user’s confidence in the decisions received from the information system. The aim of the work is to develop a relational-temporal model of representation of many interconnected entities of the subject area, which are the object of decision formation in the information system, in order to create conditions for identifying causal dependencies on the decision formation process in such a system. To achieve the formulated goal, the following tasks are solved: structuring the relationships between the entities of the subject area in the attributive and temporal aspects; determining constraints on the decision-making process in the information system based on static dependencies between entities; definition of temporal connections within one class of entities as a reflection of causal dependencies between entities in the process of obtaining a solution in the intellectual system; construction of a relational-temporal model of interconnected entities of the subject area. Conclusions. The structuring of static and dynamic dependences between the entities of the subject area, which is the object of decision formation in the information system. Static constraints on the process of decision formation, which are related to the properties of the subject area, are determined. The temporal dependences between the entities of the subject area are determined, which reflect the cause-and-effect relations between the actions of the decision-making process. A relational-temporal model of related entities of the subject area is proposed, which contains classes of entity equivalence, static dependencies between properties of different equivalence classes, as well as temporal dependencies between properties within each class. The model makes it possible to test constraints on the decision-making process based on static relationships between entities of the subject area, as well as to determine possible sequences of changing properties of entities over time, which creates conditions for building causal relationships that underlie the decision-making process. The obtained causal dependencies are a key element of explanations about the process of functioning of the information system.

Author Biographies

Serhii Chalyi, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Professor of the Department of Information Control System, Kharkiv

Volodymyr Leshchynskyi, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

PhD, Associate Professor, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Associate Professor of the Department of Software Engineering, Kharkiv

Irina Leshchynska, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics

PhD, Associate Professor, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Associate Professor of the Department of Software Engineering доцент кафедри програмної інженерії, Kharkiv


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How to Cite

Chalyi, S., Leshchynskyi, V., & Leshchynska, I. (2022). RELATIONAL-TEMPORAL MODEL OF SET OF SUBSTANCES OF SUBJECT AREA FOR THE PROCESS OF SOLUTION FORMATION IN INTELLECTUAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS. Bulletin of National Technical University "KhPI". Series: System Analysis, Control and Information Technologies, (1 (7), 84–89.

