Medium-term planning information technology for quality improvement of the software development process based on the CMMI model


  • Mykhailo Godlevskyi
  • Anna Goloskokova
  • Alexandr Chipizhenko



dynamic problem statement, software development, CMMI model, the second level of maturity, target profile


Information technology is considered for medium-term planning for quality improvement of the software development process based on the CMMI model for the dynamic problem statement. The information system forms a rational plan for the software development process improvement and also allows, within the defined planning period, to determine precisely those practices and focus areas of the maturity model, for which it is necessary to increase the capability level, under conditions of limited resources. The test case for the second level of maturity of the software company is considered. The scheduled period consists of three sub periods, and the target profile may contain any quantity of practices. The analysis of the obtained results, which are the input data of the information system that solves the static problem, is carried out.


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How to Cite

Godlevskyi, M., Goloskokova, A., & Chipizhenko, A. (2017). Medium-term planning information technology for quality improvement of the software development process based on the CMMI model. Bulletin of National Technical University "KhPI". Series: System Analysis, Control and Information Technologies, (51), 32–37.

