


IT team, corporate culture, OCAI method, MBTI method


The survey of modern approaches of using corporative culture notion in human resource management department at an enterprise, for example, in a company of software development was provided. The overview was showed that there are three main directions of using corporative culture according to its definition. But since corporative culture has not been used as a part of methodology of IT team building. New approach of IT team building based on corporative culture and personality type estimation was presented. The method idea is to define the group of employees based on corporate culture estimation. Then the group is being filtered via personality type to form IT team finally. We believe that IT team includes different positions: software programmers, analysts, software architects, testers, WEB designers, technical writers etc. To solve this problem the overview of experience of using OCAI method and the Myers-Briggs typology is given. The software was developed. The software fully realizes proposed algorithm of interviewing for research as properties of corporative culture as personality type analysis of some employees in IT Company. The software testing was provided for real IT company and to form IT team of a project. The appropriateness of using an assessment of corporate culture is confirmed by the fact that the IT team is not a permanent unit. It always changes depending on the needs for the development of a software product. It changes depending on the need for the implementation of an IT project. But thanks to the assessment of corporate culture, it becomes possible to quickly examine changes in the personal behavior of individual employees and individual IT teams in order to improve the quality of their work within IT projects that are constantly changing as well.

Author Biographies

Sergey Valerievich Orekhov, National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"

PhD, Associate Professor, National Technical University «Kharkov Polytechnical Institute», Accosiate Professor of Software Engineering and Management Information Technologies department; Kharkov, Ukraine

Nalaliya Konstantinovna Stratienko, National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"

PhD, Professor, National Technical University «Kharkov Polytechnical Institute», Professor of Software Engineering and Management Information Technologies department; Kharkov, Ukraine

Hennadiy Vasilievich Malyhon, National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"

Post graduate, National Technical University «Kharkov Polytechnical Institute», Post graduate of Software Engineering and Management Information Technologies department; Kharkov, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Orekhov, S. V., Stratienko, N. K., & Malyhon, H. V. (2024). SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT FOR IT TEAM BUILDING BASED ON ESTIMATING CORPORATE CULTURE AND PERSONALITY TYPE. Bulletin of National Technical University "KhPI". Series: System Analysis, Control and Information Technologies, (2), 22–29.

